Thursday, 24 September 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Haven't updated for a while, been a bit busy. Had a handbag weekend off to Wembley to see Coldplay supported by Girls Aloud (not bad) and Jay Z (shite! noisy shite to be precise). Funny the journeys home used to be quite depressing but now we look forward to coming home. The war against rats is well and truly on - I have put all manner of bits of wood etc around the edges of the chook house, but the little (well quite big) buggers still get in there. Went down in the dusk and saw one running across the lawn and Hubby went down today and saw them half way up the that is starting to get serious, at the bottom of the garden I can just about cope with, but in view of the house NO WAY! So purchase two rat traps and gave Son a stiff talking to that these things are not like the cartoon ones where you are not hurt they could hurt real bad. First morning went down sheepishly to see if had dead rats and traps sprung but no rats! So it is intelligent rats that we are fighting so it is peanut butter and bread tonight will that work. If all else fails we took delivery of Eric and Esther today - two outdoor cats about 15 months old. (need to change the names). Had more trouble and paperwork getting them than we did when we had Son!! They have to stay in for three weeks until they get used to us and then it will be "on my command unleash hell"


  1. How about calling them Sony & Cher or Vic and Blob?

  2. Still say 12 bore is better, or if you want go all humane buy rat poison blue blocks from farm supplies and nail to block of wood, but keep dog, cats & chooks from eating the stuff or it defeats the object a bit,

  3. Vic and Blob do you mean Bob! With the latest news that Costa is opening I think it could be latte and mocha!

  4. Don;t tempt Peter Ron he is dying to get a shotgun! Rat traps have broken!

  5. Sorry, no I meant Blob.....Although he is losing some weight now...must be all the activity!!

  6. A Jack Russell should do the trick with the rats, they just catch um, shake um, and toss um straight over the head!!
    How about Lilo and Stitch as names? not that I am madly obsessed with Disney or something!?!?!?
