Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Rainy Day

Today it rained and I had the blues. Hubby's last pay check arrived and I realised for the first time in black and white what we have done. It was quite a lot of money to say goodbye to for no real reason. However saying that we will be getting a large chunk of redundancy and our outgoings are a lot less here. Having to open hundreds of boxes I have come to realise how much tat a handbag lifestyle can lead to - where or where we are going to put all this tat I have no idea. We are clearing the cottage we have so that we can rent that out and there is tat coming out of our ears. Never mind there may be a chance to sell some of that tat on e-bay and make a bit of money. Had friends around in the evening and then went for a walk to the estuary and actually rainy day and less money still made me think WOW how lucky and I to live in a beautiful place like this. Walked home to see the sun setting.

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