Sunday, 21 February 2010


Well I thought having children was a worry but now that we have some pigs - well. At one point last night, Hubby, Son and I were all out in the field in the dark with head torches trying to persuade the pigs to go into their ark! How my life has changed - saturday nights will never be the same again! Honestly we were such townies. The pigs arrived and we all spent about one hour, with several of our neighbours all looking at the pigs. We decided to call them Bacon and Sauage in an attempt to make it easier when we eventually kill them to eat them. I am not sure I already think they are cute. Especially as they wiggle their bums to scratch them against the posts. When we set up our pig starter kit, it came with an electric fence so we plugged that in and thought that would be it, however we did scare them a little when they first arrived (the volume of people gawping at them!) and one of them just pushed through the fence, being electrocuted along the way!! But they say pigs are intelligent and I agree,they have not done anything quite so silly since. Not only have I now got four more chooks, but I also have two cats, and a rescue Indian Runner Duck from a neighbour - he was being picked on by the other ducks. So tonight he is in bed with four female chooks - lucky fellow Hubby says!

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